It’s True. Everyone Around You is Sick a Lot More This Year. Here’s Why.

If you’re noticing that people around you – friends, family, work colleagues , perhaps even yourself – is sick a lot more often, it’s not your imagination running wild nor do you have cabin fever [unless you’re in Montana, where up to 14” (36 cm)of snow is expected from late spring winter storm].
At least 13 communicable diseases, both viral and bacterial, some common and others historically rare, are seeing case figures accelerate well beyond their pre-pandemic levels in many parts of the country, and this is happening by significant margins in some cases.
Forty countries have seen  outbreaks increase 10-fold over pre-pandemic levels and the list of diseases sounds like a mixture of titles from numerous disaster movies – where the world ends after a virus kept in a vault 600’ (182 m) below the earth’s surface with the entire lab built within extra walls to prevent a potential breach – where scientists do their work connected to a dedicated breathing air supply and take chemical showers to decontaminate their suits. Of course, those labs are equipped with layers of negative pressure zones, thereby  making certain the air always flows back into the laboratory when any doors are opened.
The list of viruses that are surging includes  measles, whooping cough, tuberculosis, and polio, as well as dengue and cholera.
The data from 46 organizations and public healthcare agencies was analyzed by London-based disease forecasting firm Airfinity.
(Photo: Accura Media Group_