Glacier Lodge Eqi – Up Close with Greenland’s Calving Wonder

Glacier Lodge Eqi, Greenland Thunderous echoes of crashing ice ripple across the bay like a constant chorus of nature’s beat. Nothing can prepare you for the sound of a glacier calving. It’s a clap, crack and deep rumble that rolls across the surface of the water, seemingly gathering pitch and speed. The best part, it’s a delayed sound so you need to really focus and watch the glacier to actually catch a calving in action. If you wait for the sound you’ll always be 7-10 seconds too late due to how sound travels across the fjord. Located a 3.5hr ice breaker boat ride north of Ilulissat, Eqi Glacier is one of the world’s most active and there’s no doubt a visit will include it’s fair share of tumbling ice shows. As the boat cruises through the Ataa Strait, teal coloured water shares the scene with icebergs ranging in sizes from mega mansions through to dinner plates* (*not official measurements 😉). If a long boat ride sounds boring, then you’ve been on board the wrong boats. This one is endlessly fascinating. Every passing iceberg is unique in shape, tone and pattern making the journey a photographer’s buffet of potential shots. Before...
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