How To Rediscover Your Innate Joy Of Being Outdoors

Most people live their lives in big cities, chained to jobs, mortgages, and motor vehicles. It’s a convenient life, but it has nothing to do with what nature evolved the human animal to enjoy. We should be spending 90 percent of our time in nature, but modern life prevents that.
The consequences of our loss of interaction with nature are severe. Many people feel depressed in big cities, wishing they were somewhere else, but they don’t know why. We spend most of our time in front of screens, in artificial environments, and under constant stress which makes us feel disconnected from our ancient roots.
Our biology is the same as it always was, but in the last 100 years, our surroundings have been transformed. As such, we feel a profound sense of loss and disconnect from the natural world. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can rediscover our joy of being outdoors by making some simple changes in our lifestyle and mindset. Here’s what you should be doing.
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