Student Travel Insurance for Canadians Studying Abroad

Did you know that the average US hospital visit is $16,000 a day for medical care? That’s a lot of money—and those costs add up fast for Canadian students ineligible for local health plans. So, with that in mind, getting coverage before you head off on your exciting opportunity is important.  

What your student travel insurance should offer

Whether you’re going away on an exchange or for extended studies outside your home province, having student travel insurance that covers you for emergencies, annual checkups, and prescriptions is the way to go. 

For example, TuGo’s Student Insurance offers medical emergency coverage as well as coverage for other professional services including psychiatrist or psychologist visits. Dental issues can also be unexpected and expensive! Luckily, dental coverage is available for accidents, dental pain, and impacted wisdom teeth.  

Here’s a real-life claim story of how having our Student Insurance helped Taylor get appropriate care for his heart inflammation while studying abroad…  

Taylor avoided $43,000+ bill for a heart inflammation

While studying abroad in Texas, 21-year-old Taylor* developed a sharp pain in his chest. He went to a small, rural hospital, where the doctor was concerned that a heart attack may have caused the pain, despite no prior cardiac history.   

Claim amount paid by TuGo: $43,521.19

*Name changed to respect customer privacy 

What does TuGo’s Student Insurance for Canadians cover?

Emergencies can happen at any time, and we want to ensure you get the best treatment possible. With TuGo, you’ll have 24/7 emergency assistance. Plus, when you’re enrolled in school and have valid insurance, you’re covered during school breaks. You can head home for temporary visits, and your insurance won’t terminate. (However, while you’re back in your home province, you won’t be covered if something happens. Your provincial healthcare plan should cover you while you’re home.) 

Family members who are residing with you during your studies can also be covered under our Student Insurance.  

TuGo’s Student Insurance For Canadians Key Benefits

Coverage up to $2 million, including emergency medical treatment for COVID-19

One annual doctor’s visit and one general eye exam *

Prescription drugs  

Emergency dental treatment

Fracture treatment

Up to 5 follow-up visits within 14 days of the initial emergency treatment

Other professional medical services like chiropractors, physiotherapists and more


TuGo Telemedicine—convenient, prompt, comprehensive consultation with a physician, right over the phone (travel within US only) 

*Available once during a 12 consecutive period if you purchase at least 180 days of coverage. 

What Happens if Your Student Visa Gets Denied

With TuGo’s Student Insurance a full refund of your travel insurance is available if your student visa is denied or if you arrive in the country of study but are denied entry. All you have to do is submit your refund requests to us within 90 days after the expiry date of the policy. 

Not Covered by TuGo’s Student Insurance

Student travel insurance comes in handy, but you also need to know what’s not covered. Here are a few exclusions to note, but be sure to check the policy wording:

Pre-existing medical conditions – Your medical conditions need to be stable on or within the 90 days before the effective date of the policy to be covered.  

Participating, training or practicing in any sports or activities as a professional athlete, or in any of the following sports or activities (whether a professional athlete or not:

Hang gliding/paragliding

Ice climbing

Motorized speed contests


Parachuting/skydiving/tandem skydiving

Rock climbing

Scuba diving or free diving over 40 metres

Regardless of the coverage you decide to buy before your adventures abroad, speak to an insurance professional and review your policy wording; pay attention to the exclusions, limitations, and conditions specified.  

I hope this information gives you a better understanding of student travel insurance. I’ve used our Student Insurance as an example since we can’t speak to other policies on the market; but, the information provided should help you know what to look for in a good student travel insurance policy. 

Interested in doing some travelling when school’s out? Here’s our budget travel tips for students.

Happy travels, Monique 

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for freshness and/or accuracy.
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