What is the value of buying baggage travel insurance? 

Over the past several months, thousands of  travellers have faced baggage delays and losses all over the world. I myself experienced the frustration of landing in Rome without our checked luggage—which didn’t arrive until 2 days later. When you don’t have your personal belongings with you, it’s not a relaxing start to what’s meant to be a relaxing vacation!  
Baggage Insurance costs a little but could save you a lot of hassle and replacement costs. In this post, we’ll share some valuable information about this type of travel insurance coverage as well as some tips if you do have to make a baggage claim. Let’s get started!  

What is Baggage Insurance ?
Baggage Insurance provides coverage for lost, damaged, stolen or delayed luggage , when added to Emergency Medical Insurance , Trip Cancellation & Interruption Insurance , Trip Interruption Only Insurance or Accidental Death and Dismemberment .   
Alternatively, if you choose an All Inclusive Holiday Package or Non-Medical Package , Baggage Insurance is included in each of these packages.  
What is the value of buying Baggage Insurance?
TuGo’s Baggage Insurance, in particular, offers 3 key benefits:  

Loss, damage, destruction or theft of personal effects owned by and travelling with you while in transit or in any hotel or other building, enroute anywhere in the world, on land or water or in the air. 
L oss of currency through theft or robbery of personal currency (excluding unexplained disappearance; police report required), up to a limit of $100.   
If your baggage is delayed beyond 12 hours while you are enroute and before you return to your home , personal necessities will be covered up to $200, until your baggage has been returned to you.  

Now, you may be asking yourself “What if my baggage is delayed less than 12 hours? Is there any coverage for that?” The answer is yes! If you have Emergency Medical Insurance, there may be air delay benefits available to you, including up to $900 for essential items when the baggage is lost or delayed by the airline for 6+ hours. You can also sign-up for TuGo’s complimentary MyFlyt TM service , which offers a lounge pass or cash payout when your flight is delayed 2+ hours.  

What are the benefit coverage limits of TuGo’s Baggage Insurance ?

The coverage limits for Baggage Insurance are u p to $1,500 per traveller , and to a $3,000 max for the Family & Friends plan . Or, w hen p urchased as part of an All-Inclusive Holiday Package or Non-Medical Package , the Baggage coverage limit is $500. For all these plans, there isn’t a dedu ctible.  

What’s included :   

Coverage for loss, damage, destruction, or theft of personal effects   

Up to $100 currency because of loss or theft   

Up to $200 for personal necessities if baggage is delayed beyond 12 hours  

A single item will be covered to a maximum of 25% of the sum insured per person, or $1,500 x 0.25= $375.  

Here’s an ‘insider’s tip’… with TuGo, you can also have “duplication of coverage”. That means if you’re insured under more than one baggage policy administered by TuGo and they are in effect at the time of loss, the total amount paid to you may be up to an overall maximum of $5,000 per traveller or $7,500 per Family & Friends plan. 

What items are covered by Baggage Insurance?  

Basically, baggage travel insurance covers the typical things you’d travel with or would need at your destination. The purpose of Baggage Insurance is to keep you travelling and well enough equipped to enjoy your vacation in case your bags don’t arrive on time (or get lost or damaged on the way).  

* There isn’t coverage for the visit to get a new prescription, but coverage may be available under Emergency Medical Insurance, under the lost prescription benefit. ** Excluded if for professional or occupational use.

Why are some items not covered under Baggage Insurance?

Most of the items listed above on the right may be insured under your home or renters’ insurance and can be scheduled as special items if you have professional or expensive gear. Talk to your insurance professional about your coverage.  

As noted with the list above, professional and occupational equipment is excluded under this plan. Here’s an example: Perry is a plumber by trade, and rock climbs while on vacation. While he’s away, his backpack with all his climbing gear gets stolen. Coverage would be provided for the climbing gear under TuGo’s Baggage Insurance, but if his plumbing tools were also in the backpack, they wouldn’t be covered since they’re his professional/occupational equipment.  

Note: Baggage Insurance provides coverage on a first payer basis and is not excess to any other baggage plan you may have, except in the following cases:  a. If the property is insured for a specific value under another insurance policy; or,  b. If the property is lost, stolen or damaged while in the custody/care of a common carrier.

How to open a travel insurance baggage claim

Having your luggage lost, stolen or damaged is no fun. It’s important that if this does happen to you to report it right away, get written proof and keep the receipts for all your purchases. If your luggage is damaged, you can have your luggage appraised for repairs. If it’s beyond repair, or if it’s cheaper to replace it altogether, you’ll need to submit proof from a luggage repair shop of your choice, along with a receipt for the cost of the original luggage if available.  

Find out how to start a claim with Claims at TuGo . 

What you’ll need to submit for a lost, stolen, or damaged baggage claim

In addition to the claim form, we’ll need the following documents to process your claim: 

Itemized bills/receipts 

Police report for stolen items 

Damage report for damaged baggage 

Loss report for lost baggage 

What you’ll need to submit for a delayed baggage claim

In addition to the claim form, we’ll need the following documents to process your claim: 

Itemized bills/receipts 

Proof of the amount paid 

Airline report confirming the length of delay 

To wrap it up, Baggage Insurance is a great optional coverage to add on to help during one the most common of travel frustrations. Most travel baggage mishaps and claims happen when you’re flying, so it’s a good idea to also know your airline passenger rights . And one final tip: invest in an air tag for each checked luggage piece. You’ll be able to track where it was lost or delayed, potentially getting you your luggage back faster.  

For more detailed information about TuGo’s Baggage Insurance, contact your local insurance professional or TuGo’s Customer Service . Alternatively, leave your comments below and we’ll get you the answers you need to feel confident about buying this coverage for your next trip. 

Happy travels, Melissa

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2015 and has been updated for freshness and/or accuracy.

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