Why more people than ever before are earning money whilst travelling

So what are the options for earning money whilst travelling and why are more people than ever before are earning money whilst travelling? In the age of the internet, more people than ever are daring to combine travelling the world and working remotely.

However, travelling is also more expensive than ever so if you want to travel long-term as part of your career then you will need to earn whilst you travel. Many individuals take this option and work in bars or restaurants but there are more secure options that pay a little better.

Table Of Contents

How to earn money whilst travelling Copywriting Photography Translation Graphic Designer Recruitment Things to consider when earning money while travelling Reliable internet Differing timezones Motivation Equipment breakdowns Being prepared Looking for work before you leave for your trip

How to earn money whilst travelling

For many earning money whilst travelling is a huge part of how long they can travel for. For some, it is already a well-established business that needs to be tended to but for whatever reason you need to be earning money whilst travelling there are always some that you can boost. Earning money whilst travelling can be a wonderful extra way to sustain your travel budget. For extra income, while traveling, you may want to consider  remote part-time work opportunities  on Jooble

Here are some extra jobs you can consider doing on the road to earn money whilst travelling.


Copywriting is a task that can be done remotely and will allow you to continue to travel . Once you have acquired a number of regular copywriting gigs, you should be able to earn enough to maintain your travel expenses.

When it comes to invoicing your customers or clients, it’s worth considering dedicated software for accounting in order to streamline your payments. This will help to ensure your accounts are accurate, up to date and stored safely in the cloud. Accounting software is also of huge benefit when it comes to filing your end of the year tax return.  


Earning money whilst travelling from photography is a great way to take advantage of the benefit of working abroad. Many media outlets and online magazines will pay royalties for high-quality imagery. This activity will incur some initial outlay for photography equipment and software to edit the photos.

Pro tip: You may want to register with an agency as they can help you sell your photos. For more information, check out this useful guide .


If you can write fluently in more than one language to a high standard then you might consider being a translator. This is another job that is perfect for remote working as all it really requires is a stable internet connection.

You can see on sites like this that the pay is quite competitive compared with copywriting so if you have the requisite skills and want to travel it’s an option you should seriously consider.

Graphic Designer

As with all the aforementioned roles, graphic design can be done on the move. The one drawback you might find is not having regular access to a larger monitor, which might be a hindrance. Aside from that, a laptop and the latest graphic design software packages are all you need to get going.

If you can pitch yourself at a more competitive rate compared to a design agency, then you might find you have an advantage when it comes to securing a regular flow of work.


Freelance recruitment services are becoming more common, particularly since so many businesses went fully remote anyway because of the pandemic. If you work in recruitment but like to travel , then setting yourself up as a self-employed recruitment consultant could be the ideal way to maintain an income and also enjoy the luxury of being able to travel.

Most communication can be done via video conferencing or if you do need to call someone, do so via WhatsApp or Facetime to avoid expensive call charges.

Things to consider when earning money while travelling

There are so many things to consider if you plan to earn money whilst travelling. For many travellers, the idea is much easier than actually seeing it through. There are so many things to consider and things that may even impact your ability for earning money whilst travelling.

Reliable internet

This is a huge dilemma in plenty of places. Even if you book a place that says they have reliable Wi-fi and internet options there are just times it does not work for you. Reliable internet is one of the top ways to ensure you are earning money whilst travelling and one of the top reasons you won’t be able to.

Differing timezones

This one can catch anyone out especially if they are moving around between countries a lot. Meeting deadlines and being on time is one of the best ways to get return clients and to make more money while travelling.

If you are unable to meet deadlines through time zones this will severely impact your ability to earn money whilst travelling


We all lack the motivation to work when we travel. Finding the motivation to work can be one of the biggest factors in earning money whilst travelling. You need to be able to have the time to sit, relax and get the tasks done otherwise earning money whilst travelling is not going to work.

Equipment breakdowns

Being in a foreign country or a foreign city and you money maker breaks down this can be a huge problem for you earning money whilst travelling.

Being prepared

Taking all the equipment with you even the basics like a notepad and pen can help you earn money whilst travelling. Purchasing small items all the time adds up and eats into your budget so being prepared for all aspects of earning money whilst travelling if the best bet.

Looking for work before you leave for your trip

A great way to ensure you will be earning money whilst travelling is to start gaining business that earns well before your departure date.

We hope this article from  Wyld Family Travel  inspires you in your travel blogging career

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