7 surefire tips to make awesome travel photos

Traveling is one of those activities that make us feel truly alive. We discover new places, meet new people, try new cuisine, and, of course, make tons of images. Those pictures – along with little lovely trinkets – are the things that remind us of our amazing experience.

Table Of Contents

Tips on how to take awesome travel photos Try new angles for your travel photos Travel to little known destinations Choose the right time to shoot Don’t try to control everything Get yourself a tripod Never skip post-processing Get acquainted with your camera More travel inspiration for your next vacation

Tips on how to take awesome travel photos

That is why we should reconsider how we take those travel photos. If they are banal and visually uninteresting, we won’t have a good time looking at them, right? So if you want your vacation picture to capture the essence of the place you have been and the joy of things you have done, there are a few tricks you might want to use. That is why, without further ado, let’s find out 7 cool tips for mind-blowing travel photography. 

Travel Photos make great memories

Try new angles for your travel photos

Very few of us really try something new when it comes to vacation pics. We usually shoot them holding our camera straight. But why not go a different route? Experiment with angles and distances to see your object from an unexpected – but amazing – perspective.

Shoot monuments from the ground to show their true scale. Go for a close-up of the hands of a bazaar vendor. Take a picture of your friends lying on the beach from high above. Who knows, probably while fooling around with your equipment you might end up taking a shot of a lifetime. 

Travel to little known destinations

Granted, with the development of social media and free access to traveling it seems that every picturesque pace has been photographed a thousand times. But still, which would you prefer – a travel photo of a popular landmark swarming with tourists, or a less popular scene that still gives you room to breathe?

If you want your images to differ from everyone else’s, get off the beaten path right now. Go to places a lot less known. Ask locals to show you the way to a less explored monument or natural landmark. Surf the internet to find underrated destinations . Or simply wander off to stumble upon a breathtaking view by chance. You’ll end up with a photo that you will cherish for years and years. 

Choose the right time to shoot

You have probably heard of the beautiful term the Golden Hour. It is that time just after the sunrise when the light is warm, gentle and so very flattering. But did you also know that it might be the best time to shoot popular landmarks? Yes, it is. The wee hours of the morning all but guarantee that you have fewer people photobombing your pictures and that you will have the best natural lighting possible.

Sure, getting up early might be a pain in the neck for some people, but no pain – no gain. If you are definitely not a morning person, then consider making use of the Blue Hour. This is the time after sunset when the twilight falls. Once again, you will get a lot fewer people swarming your place of interest. Besides, the lighting will also be something to die for – smooth and mysterious. 

Don’t try to control everything

You know the saying: If you can’t beat them, join them ? Well, this will come in handy when you find yourself too overwhelmed by the things you can control while taking a picture. Horrible weather, tons of involuntary photobombers, certain shooting restrictions, etc. All those things are a buzzkill. But what if you quit sulking for a bit and try to incorporate it all into your shot?

For instance, way too many people on a popular street aren’t a distraction. They are a living testament to how busy and noisy this street is. And if you put them all into your frame, you will be able to capture it. It started raining? Awesome. People will whip out their colourful umbrellas and you will snap a picture that will be a canvas rich in colours and textures. So if sometimes things don’t go the way you need them to, don’t fight it. See a way to use it to your travel photos’ advantage.

Get yourself a tripod

This little piece of equipment will be useful regardless of whether you are travelling alone or with a group. If you are a loner, then a tripod will help you take a picture of yourself against some amazing scenery. If you travel in a group, a tripod will ensure that no one will be left out of the frame.

Besides, having a tripod will help you make images that are perfectly straight and will give you plenty of time and free hands to plan the composition and adjust your camera settings. And if you are worried about this equipment being way too heavy to carry around – you shouldn’t. Just invest in a feather-weight model . And you’ll know the difference. 

Explore the best angles for travel photos

Never skip post-processing

It’s actually rare that an image turns out perfect. More often than not pictures need a little boost in the form of photo editing. If that notion gives you the heebie-jeebies, because you instantly think of the overly complex Photoshop and Lightroom – reconsider. There are so many more photo editors you can go with. Those that are just as feature-rich, but a lot easier to grasp.

One of them is PhotoWorks . This software has a semi-automatic workflow and tons of AI-driven and manual tools that you can use to improve your travel images. You can easily correct the colour balance, fix exposure and increase sharpness, get rid of distracting objects and even stylize your images with dozens of artistic filters. PhotoWorks will help you make your good travel pictures great with virtually no effort. 

Get acquainted with your camera

If you spend most of your time shooting in the Auto mode, you aren’t using your camera to its full potential. Hence, you are not taking the stunning pictures you could be taking. Take your time getting to know your camera, its settings and modes and how to use them. When you have all this knowledge, you will be confident as to which mode to use and what settings to adjust to snap the best photo possible given your circumstances, weather and lighting conditions. 

Well, now you know the fool-proof ways to ensure that your travel photographs stand out. We hope that the next time you go on a vacation, you’ll use them and produce pictures that would be worthy of a National Geographic spread. 

We hope this article from us here at   Wyld Family Travel has you inspired to get out and explore with your camera.. There are so many great places and things to photograph on vacation that will have you inspired to improve your photography.

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