Preparing Your Life For Long Term Travel With Your Family in Europe

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and spend an extended amount of time doing long term travel with your kids.  Congratulations! You’re in for a fantastic experience. But before you go, there are a few things you need to do to make sure the time you have is as enjoyable as possible. Here’s a quick checklist of what you’ll need to do.

Give yourself plenty of time to plan

Trying to plan last-minute is sure to be stressful—and expensive! To avoid the headache (and the cost), start planning your trip well in advance. That way, you’ll have plenty of time to save up money and make all the necessary arrangements.

Ship your car for long term travel with family

If you’re planning long term family travel with your teenagers, you may be wondering how to get around and explore. While there are many options for public transportation, renting a car can give you the freedom to explore at your own pace. However, renting a car can be expensive, especially if you’re planning to stay for an extended period of time.

A car for travelling with teens

Shipping your own car to a destination in Europe, for example, can be a cost-effective alternative. Not only will you save money on rental fees, but you’ll also have the peace of mind of knowing that you have your own transportation.

You can also get car shipping quotes to compare them with the cost of renting a car long term on the big island. If you have teens that will be driving, then the cost of your rental is going to skyrocket and shipping your car may be the more economical option. 

Before shipping your car, be sure to research the process and make all the necessary arrangements. With a little planning, you can enjoy a hassle-free vacation with your teens.

Make travel arrangements for your family.

If you’re planning on taking your family with you on vacation, then you’ll need to make all the necessary travel arrangements in advance. This includes any necessary visas that may be required to enter your destination of choice, long term travel health insurance and more

You’ll also want to make sure that everyone has their passports up-to-date and that they are aware of any travel restrictions that may be in place (maybe vaccinations, onwards journey tickets etc). By taking care of all the details in advance, you can relax and enjoy your trip without having to worry about anything!

Choose the right accommodations for long term travel with kids

When you’re planning an extended long term family travel, it’s important to choose accommodations that will suit your needs. If you’re traveling with young children, for example, you may want to find a place that has a pool and is close to the beach.

Family accommodation options in Europe

Apartment rentals are always a great option for families as they have cooking and laundry facilities included. No matter what your needs are, there are sure to be accommodations that will suit your long term travel budget.

Put your house in order

Before you leave on any extended trip, it’s always a good idea to put your house in order. This means doing things like canceling your newspaper subscription, putting your mail on hold, and arranging for someone to water your plants or mow your lawns while you’re gone.

You’ll also want to make sure that your house is securely looked up, all of your bills are paid. The last thing you want is to come home from your vacation only to find that you have no electricity!

Make sure you have enough money

An extended long term family holiday is sure to be expensive, especially when you’re traveling with teen s —but it doesn’t have to break the bank. To keep costs down, be sure to budget for everything in advance and research ways to save money on activities and excursions. 

For example, many hotels offer discounts for booking activities through their concierge desk rather than directly with the activity provider. By doing your homework in advance, you can save yourself a lot of money—and stress—while on vacation.

How to budget for long term family travel

Long term travel with family can be a great way to relax and recharge, but it can also be a major drain on your finances if you’re not careful. Here are a few tips to help you budget for an extended vacation:

1. First, figure out how much you can realistically afford to spend. This will help you set spending limits for different aspects of your trip, such as accommodation, food, and activities.

2. Next, research your destination to find out what costs you can expect. This will help you make informed decisions about where to stay and what activities to do.

3. Once you have an idea of your overall budget, start saving up in advance. Automating your savings can help make this process easier.

4. Finally, don’t forget to factor in the cost of things like travel insurance and passports/visas. These are often overlooked when people are planning their budgets, but they can add up quickly.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’ll have a great time on your extended vacation without breaking the bank.

Vacationing with Teens

If you’re planning a trip with teenagers , there are a few things you can do to ensure that everyone has a great time. 

Europe has a little something for everyone, from amazing history and culture, to stunning outdoor setting, picture-perfect beaches, quant small villages and modern cities.

Staying near the beach in countries like Spain or Croatia is popular as they have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Be sure to include plenty of time for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing.

There are also countless hiking trails and scenic lookout points that are perfect for exploring with teenagers. Countries like Switzerland, Austria and Germany are perfect for such outdoor activities.  

And of course, no trip to Europe would be complete without taking part in some of the local culture. A great way to experience the local culture is to take part in free walking tours and do a local cooking class.

Visit a museum and see world renowned art, take in some dark tourism sites such as Auschwitz Birkenau Memorial or visit one of the many castles in Europe.

Exploring the Alhambra in Granada, Spain

By following these tips, you can be sure that your long term slow travel with your teenagers will be something they never forget.

An extended vacation is the perfect way to relax and escape the stresses of everyday life. But before you can enjoy the sunny beaches and Mai Tais, there are a few things you need to do to configure your life for an extended vacation.

From telling your boss about your upcoming trip to making travel arrangements for your family, follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll be sure to have the time of your life!

We hope this article from  Wyld Family Trave l helps with your planning for long term travel. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. Long term travel is daunting for anyone planning travel. If you are planning long term travel with kids or even couples, there are so many things you need to consider.

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