10 Things Not to Do When Boarding a Plane

It’s time for your holiday! You arrive at the airport, check your bags, make it through security and settle in at the gate to wait for your flight. Finally, boarding is announced. The queue forms and people start making their way down the gangway.
Suddenly, you’re stopped.
Stuck standing around outside of the plane, waiting for your chance to be greeted by the crew. You step onto the plane only to stand around again in the narrow aisle, just wanting to sit down so the plane can take off.  Sometimes things move fairly quickly and other times it seems like you will NEVER make it to your seat – even though you only need to get to row 9. Sound familiar?

During my last 2 flights, I started paying more attention to the hold-ups occurring around me. What were some of the things that stopped passengers getting to their seats.  What were some of the annoying (and gross) things I noticed on these and past flights?  So before your next trip to the airport, read these 10 things NOT to do when boarding a plane and you won’t be part of the problem!
10 Things Not to Do When Boarding a Plane:
1. Don’t stand in the aisle digging in your carry-on bag. If you need something at the start of the flight (books, newspapers, tablets, etc.), carry it or have it ready to slip out of a pocket. Or sit down in your seat, out of the way and wait for the aisle to clear.
2. Don’t take off your coat standing in the aisle. Have you been behind the person that stops, leisurely takes off their coat, places it in their seat, puts their luggage up, picks up their coat then finally sits down?  Unless you’re boarding after being bused to the plane, chances are, you can have your coat in your hand or at least step into the seat row out of the way.
Prepare ahead of time – not when you’re in the middle of the aisle!
3. Don’t fill the overhead bin with coats. Where does the luggage go then?
4. Don’t bring on stinky food. I don’t want to smell your egg salad or who knows what’s in that container – fermented meat? Sure, you want an in flight snack, but be considerate of those around you.
Also, if you need that much perfume, there is a problem. I prefer to be able to breathe, thank you.
5. Don’t be impatient getting on the plane, yes people have to put their bags in the overhead bin. Getting grumpy or angry about it doesn’t move things along any faster. Give other passengers a moment and remember, when it’s you’re turn, place your bag then take a seat.
6. Don’t buckle up if you’re sitting in the aisle seat and the other passengers aren’t on board. You know you’ll need to get up so the people in the window and middle seats can get in.
7. Don’t wait until your about to slide into a row to decide whose sitting where and in which seat number(s). Discuss who gets the window, who is sitting with the kids and who sits on the aisle before stepping on the plane.
Derrick always sits with the kids and I have the aisle seat across from them.  Or, Derrick sits with K and I sit with Lucy. The kids rotate who gets the window seat so there is never a questions once we’re trying to take our seats.
Tip – Seats ABC are on one side with C being the aisle and DEF are on another with D being the aisle.
8. Don’t take your shoes off or at least have socks on to keep those bad boys out of view. No one wants to see your feet and NEVER put them up on someone else’s arm rest. I mean, really! This isn’t your bedroom or living room. It’s okay to be comfortable, but still be considerate.
9. Don’t throw your hair OVER the headrest. It’s your hair, I don’t want to see it hanging over my tray table.
10. Don’t try to sneak an oversized bag on the plane. There really is only so much space in those overhead bins. It won’t magically expand. If your bag is too long or too full, it won’t fit and will just hold everyone up and potentially end up costing you more money.
A Few More Flight Suggestions:
:: Save yourself from digging around before the plane takes off by putting devices into airplane mode before boarding and having computers turned off. You’ve been sitting at the gate waiting for your flight anyway. Why not take 2 minutes to prepare before they start boarding?
:: Consider earplugs or headphones if you’re sensitive to noise. I suggest keeping a small bag to easily access these items. Eye masks are also great if want to rest. Just remember to open the window if you’re in that seat. It’s required to be open during take off and landing.
:: Research ahead of time if the onboard menu is complimentary or paid. This can help you be prepared and know if you should bring your own drink and snack on or if beverages are offered as part of your flight purchase.
Planning ahead, being considerate of other passengers and having a bit of patience can make boarding the plane smooth sailing or should I say flying? Having everything you need for takeoff, knowing who is sitting where and not packing the overhead bin with things that aren’t luggage can help your next flight take off on time.  Or at least save you stress and a headache.
While we’re on the topic of flying – read  12 Tips for Surviving Airport Layovers with Kids.
What are some off the things you’ve noticed people should not do when boarding a plane? Leave a comment below.

The post 10 Things Not to Do When Boarding a Plane appeared first on The Talking Suitcase .