5 Reasons to Love Travel with a Stroller

Some parents complain that travel with a stroller is a big hassle. It’s been a couple of years since my son outgrew his.

But on a trip to Walt Disney World , I tried to convince him that all bets are off when it comes to theme parks… A six-year-old in a stroller at Disney World is perfectly acceptable. He would have none of it, and we ended up carrying him out of the parks and off the bus every day.

He was 60llbs!

How we left every park. I carried him a lot too. Couldn’t do that for much longer!

Your hands are full when traveling with a baby or toddler.

And travel with a stroller is often looked at as inconvenient. Like, it’s just another thing to lug.

But I’d like to counter that with five reasons to love travel with a stroller…

5 Reasons Travel with a Stroller is Awesome:

1. You can go faster, for longer…

Babies can’t walk. Toddlers don’t toddle very fast. If you want to go places by foot, strollers are truly the easiest way to move. Of course you can wear your baby, but their weight can place a strain on your shoulders and back after a few hours, even in the most high-tech baby carrier.

Travel with a stroller lets you linger at interesting places, or speed though when you need to escape.

Why yes, that is my child sleeping on the floor of the airport.

2. It’s a portable bed…

No need to rush back to the hotel room at naptime, because travel with a stroller ensures a safe and comfortable place for baby to sleep on the go. Some of my kids’ best naps were taken while at the beach, safely in their stroller and in the shade. One flight landed at midnight and my son had been sleeping for about an hour. What I would have given to have a gate-checked stroller waiting for us as we deplaned! Lugging him through customs and baggage claim was not fun. Did I mention he weighed sixty pounds?

3. It’s a portable high chair…

Some of the most family-friendly destinations like Italy and Spain don’t typically have high chairs in their restaurants. And sometimes the high chairs that restaurants do offer are meant for older babies and toddlers. If there’s room, it’s great to be able to wheel your baby up to the table to enjoy meals with the rest of the family, but keeping your lap and arms free to actually feed yourself.

Bub “Helping” with His Stroller at Epcot

4. It can double as a trolley…

Sometimes babies just need to be close and want to be held. That’s when your stroller can take over and carry all that stuff you need to lug with you when traveling with a baby. No more travel with a stroller means actually having to carry backpacks and coats. It’s the main drag of having kids outgrow strollers. Enjoy your trolley while you can!

Taken during our first family vacation in Varadero, Cuba

5. It’s your own personal baby jail…

In the Starbucks line. When checking in at the airport. That time you need to rummage in your bag for your keys/the pacifier/a tissue. These are the times your toddler usually utilizes your distraction to their advantage and takes off. A stroller, with a nice and secure 5-point harness, doubles as a nice and secure place to jail your little Houdini so you can actually take your eyes off them for one second.

Shopping in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Made better with a stroller.

Now go and give your stroller a nice pat and a thank you.

You’ll miss it, trust me.

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See Also:

Best Travel Strollers Legal & Safe Car Seat and Stroller Alternatives for Travel Best Car Seat Travel Bag Baby Travel Gear How to Gate Check a Stroller

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