40 Easy Digital Nomad Visas in 2023 (for Remote Workers)

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As digital nomads, we’re fortunate to have the option to live and work around the world from our laptops. But, due to immigration rules, there’s a limit to the amount of time we can spend in each country.

What if we want to stay longer?! This is why the development of remote work visas (also called digital nomad visas) is such a game-changer.

With so many people working online jobs from their computers these days, it’s great to see governments recognizing the benefit of offering these remote work visas.

This special permit, passport stamp, or QR code allows you to legally stay in the country longer than tourists, while earning an income from sources outside of the destination you’re visiting.

If you’ve ever wanted to live for a year (or more) in a sunny destination in the Caribbean or a historical city in Europe, you can do that by applying for a digital nomad visa.

There are many countries offering long-stay visas or permits for remote workers , but this post will focus on the ones that keep the bureaucracy and application requirements to a minimum.

12 Countries with Easy Digital Domad Visas

Disclosure: I’m not an immigration expert, tax accountant, or lawyer, nor am I qualified to give any sort of legal advice. I’ve been a digital nomad for more than 10 years and have applied for, and researched many remote work visas. Before applying for any of these digital nomad visa programs, I recommend getting advice from professionals to confirm your personal liability (if any) regarding income tax and immigration. 

What is a Digital Nomad Visa?

A digital nomad visa allows remote workers to live and work in a foreign country without having to officially immigrate or apply for residency. 

Each country has a different name for the visa or program they are offering, but it’s all the same: a chance to legally stay longer than a typical tourist visa would allow. 

With these digital nomad visas, most countries are offering a one-year stay with options to extend. In some cases, you can even work your way towards residency if you want. Entering the country as a tourist would usually only allow you a 30 – 90 day stay.

In some cases, remote work visas offer discounts on accommodation, the ability to open bank accounts, purchase a vehicle, and other perks.

Here is a list of the countries currently offering digital nomad visas that are pretty easy to obtain . 

1. The Bahamas (one of the easiest digital nomad visas)

Located off the coast of Florida, the Bahamas has attracted holidaymakers for many years. These days, the country is looking to entice digital nomads to experience the country’s pristine water and beaches, colourful culture and vibe, and of course, the welcoming locals. 

We recently travelled to the Bahamas for 10 days and loved it. It would be great to spend a year visiting some more islands.

Chill out on a small cay in the Bahamas , check out the famous swimming pigs , spend your days boating or fishing, or live on a more developed island with shopping and lots going on. 

With the BEATS (Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay) program, you can do it all.

Live and work in the Bahamas with the BEATS program

Top Benefits of the Bahamas BEATS Program 

Live and work in the Bahamas for 1 year, with the option to apply for up to 3 years 

There are no income requirements

Applying is easy

Basic Qualifications

Proof of employment, or proof of ownership of your own business

Valid passport

Health insurance

How to Apply

Fill out your application (fee of $25)

Wait for approval or denial of your application, which will take around 5 days

If you are approved for the program, there is a fee of $1,000 USD (plus $500 USD for each dependent)

After you’ve paid the fee, you’ll receive a QR code to show on arrival in the Bahamas

Learn more here .

2. Malta (offers a long visa for digital nomads)

This island nation in the Mediterranean offers a digital nomad community, fast wifi, coworking spaces, historical sites, and lots of fun things to see and do .

For a small country, Malta has a lot to offer. Plus, it’s in a great location for exploring nearby countries on a weekend away. We spent 2 months in Malta and really enjoyed our stay there.

Malta is one of the countries with digital nomad visas that you should consider

Top Benefits of Malta’s Nomad Residence Permit

The opportunity to spend 1 year in Malta, with extensions available for up to 3 years

Not subject to personal income tax in Malta

Family members and pets can join the applicant 

Basic Qualifications

Must be a third-country national (excluding the EU, EEA and Switzerland. And, any sanctioned countries)

Work for an employer that is registered in a foreign country and have a contract; or conduct business for a company that’s registered in a foreign country and that you’re a partner/shareholder of; or work as a freelancer or offer consulting services to clients whose permanent establishments are in a foreign country — you must have contracts with them

Earn a monthly income of at least €2,700 (gross/pre-tax) for the past 3 months

Provide proof of health insurance

Show proof of accommodation in Malta

How to Apply

Gather all required documents

Fill out the application form 

Submit your application (it should take 30 days to be approved)

Pay the fee of €300 

Read the full checklist here , and find answers to your FAQ’s here

3. Georgia (the easiest place to live and work for one year)

The Caucasus country of Georgia has always offered long stays for tourists — most passport holders can currently stay visa-free for 365 days.

With fast internet, interesting culture, and progressive thinking towards digital nomads, Georgia has become a popular option for remote workers.

During covid, there was a scheme in place to bypass the pandemic entrance requirements by submitting certain documents, proving income, etc.

These days, that “Remotely From Georgia” permit is being phased out, but you can still live and work from Georgia for a year — much easier than during the covid scheme. 

☞ SEE ALSO: Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, Georgia is a very picturesque city

Top Benefits  

You can stay for 365 days

The Simplified Entry Form is just that, simple

Basic Qualifications

If you’re from one of these 95+ countries , you can live and work in Georgia without restriction 

How to Apply

If you’re from one of the 95 countries (above), fill out this Simplified Entry form

Entrance is free

Note: once you hit the 183-day mark, you will be considered liable for income tax in Georgia. Consult a tax accountant regarding double taxation agreements and your own personal liability.

4. Mauritius

Located off of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean, this beautiful island is making a name for itself in the digital nomad space.

With 4G connectivity, great health and safety rating, lots of things to see and do, a relaxed lifestyle, and excellent accessibility to destinations around the world, it’s no surprise that Mauritius is becoming a popular spot to work remotely.    

Live and work remotely in Mauritius

Top Benefits of the Mauritius Premium Travel Visa

Stay in Mauritius for up to 1 year

There is no application fee (it’s free!)

Foreign nationals from 114 countries are able to apply

No income tax is due unless income is deposited into a Mauritian bank account

Dependents are able to apply as well

Basic Qualifications

You are from one of these 114 countries (if you’re not from one of those countries, you can enter on a tourist visa and apply once you’re in the country)

Provide proof of valid health insurance

Provide proof of long-stay accommodation 

Your main place of business and/or source of income and profits are from outside Mauritius

Bank statements for the past 3 months

Proof of monthly income (it doesn’t specify an amount on the website)

Return flight ticket​

How to Apply

Register for an account and submit the application form

Applying is free, there’s no fee for the Mauritius Premium Travel Visa

Find out more and apply here

5. Barbados 

Another beautiful island makes the list! This Caribbean island started offering its Welcome Stamp during the pandemic in order to attract remote workers to come and enjoy the sunshine, beaches, and friendly atmosphere.

Barbados is a great place to work remotely as it offers many amenities, accommodation options, coworking spaces, things to see and do , and of course, the gorgeous beaches . We spent two months housesitting in Barbados and loved our stay.

The only downside to the Welcome Stamp is the hefty application fee, and the proof of yearly income is higher than in other programs.

Get the Welcome Stamp and enjoy a year of digital nomad life in Barbados!

Top Benefits of the Barbados Welcome Stamp

You can live on a Caribbean island for 1 year

You are not liable to pay income tax in Barbados

Basic Qualifications

You are location independent (working for yourself, or remotely for a company outside of Barbados)

You will make $50,000 USD for the year that you intend on living in Barbados

Provide a passport-sized photo

How to Apply

Fill out the application form

Applications are typically approved within one week

Pay the application fee of $2000 USD for an individual and $3000 USD for a family bundle

Learn more here

6. United Arab Emirates (Dubai)

The bustling city of Dubai is one of the seven Emirates that makes up the United Arab Emirates.

Dubai is one of the best cities for digital nomads , for many reasons.

With a dazzling skyline, endless shopping and nightlife, and a focus on attracting foreigners, Dubai is a good option if you’re looking to base yourself in the Middle East.

Top Benefits of the Virtual Working Programme in Dubai

Live and work in Dubai for 1 year (you can reapply after it has expired)

It’s a multiple-entry visa

Receive many benefits that residents of Dubai get (banking, schools, resident ID card)

No income tax is owed

Basic Qualifications

For employees: proof of employment from a current employer with a one-year contract validity, a minimum of $5,000 USD per month salary, last month’s payslip, and 3 preceding months’ bank statements

For business owners: proof of ownership of the company for one year or more, with an average monthly income of $5,000 USD per month and 3 preceding months’ bank statements

Passport valid for at least 6 months

Health insurance coverage for the UAE

How to Apply

Fill out the form requesting an application

Pay the fee of $611 (which includes application and processing fees, medical exam, and Emirates ID)

Learn more and apply here

7. Anguilla

Another pretty Caribbean island that started offering one-year stays to remote workers in 2020.

The island offers solid wifi, numerous restaurants and bars, many beaches, beautiful water, and lots of accommodation options.  

Anguilla’s digital nomad visa is called the: “Lose The Crowd Find Yourself. Work. Life. Bliss” program — which doesn’t roll off the tongue all that easily!

The visa is definitely appealing and fairly straightforward to apply for, but this island charges a hefty $2,000 application fee.

Top Benefits of the Anguilla Visa

Live on a Caribbean island for up to a year

The requirements and application are quite simple

Basic Qualifications

Proof of Employment or Business Incorporation Certificate

You must earn enough money to support yourself in Anguilla

Proof of entrance visa (if applicable)

A police check

Copy of birth certificate

A brief description of the work you’ll be doing

Health insurance covering COVID ( SafetyWing is a good option for this)

How to Apply

Create an online account for the application

It takes around 14 days for applications to be processed

Pay the fee of $2,000 USD for individuals, or $3,000 USD for families

Apply here

8. Bermuda

There’s a theme here! Many small island nations jumped on the opportunity to entice remote workers to enjoy longer stays.

Located in the North Atlantic, the British island territory of Bermuda started its Work From Bermuda Certificate in August 2020.

According to the government of Bermuda , in the first year of implementation, the WFB certificate had an estimated value-added of $23.3 million in Bermuda’s economy — with a boost in real estate and economic activity, and the promotion of the country as a great destination to live and travel.  

Top Benefits of the Work From Bermuda Certificate

You will not be required to pay income tax in Bermuda

You can live in Bermuda for 1 year (and it’s renewable)

Basic Qualifications

You haven’t been convicted of a crime in Bermuda or elsewhere

Provide proof of valid health insurance coverage

If you’re an employee: demonstrate employment with a legitimate company

If you own your own company: simple letter outlining the details, a certificate of incorporation, or other appropriate documentation. The company must be registered and operating outside of Bermuda

Have substantial means and/or have a continuous source of annual income 

How to Apply

Fill out the application form

It takes around 5 days for applications to be processed

Pay a fee of $263

Click here to apply for the Bermuda certificate.

9. Seychelles

Located off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, this popular holiday spot is now attracting digital nomads looking for a relaxing place to work and live.

The Seychelles remote work program is in two parts: first, you must apply for the Workation Visitors Permit and then the Health Travel Authorization.

Note that you must have a yellow fever vaccine to enter Seychelles and receive the Health Travel Authorization.

Top Benefits of the Seychelles Workation Retreat Program

You can stay up to one year in Seychelles

Not liable for personal or business tax in Seychelles

Special deals and discounts are available around the country for those on the Workation Retreat (including dental, opticians, etc.)

Basic Requirements

You must be a remote worker — either an employee or a business owner

Provide a letter of employment or proof of ownership of a business 

Provide proof of income or wealth

Have a valid travel/health insurance policy

Provide proof of confirmed accommodation

How to Apply

Submit your application for the Visitors Workation Permit at least 60 days prior to arrival

Once that permit is approved, apply for the Health Travel Authorization

Pay €45

Find out more details here . 

10. Croatia

Live and work in one of the most gorgeous countries in Europe. Spend the day at the sea, in an old town, or in the mountains, Croatia has a lot to offer remote workers. Split is my favourite spot to stay for a while in Croatia.  

The online forms and the website where you apply will probably seem a bit overwhelming at first.

However, if you take some time to read the application thoroughly, you’ll realize that there are a lot of “and/or” situations. This makes the process of applying for a digital nomad visa in Croatia seem more confusing than it actually is.

Reading the application carefully will simplify the process and while it will take some time, it’s worth the effort.

The view of Zadar old town

Top Benefits of the Croatia Digital Nomad Residence Permit

You can stay in Croatia for up to one year

Not liable for income tax (however, it  may  be due on passive income, rather than salary income – do your due diligence on this one)

Close family members may join you (spouse, common-law partner, child)

Basic Qualifications

You are a non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen

You work for a company or own your own company, that is registered outside of Croatia

Proof of health insurance

Proof of purpose: signed contract from your employer and statement from your employer, or copy of the registration of your own company

Provide proof of means for your stay in Croatia. Either:

Show bank statements proving you’ve earned 17,822.50 HRK ($2,465.69 USD) per month for the past 6 months; or

If you are staying for 12 months, show that you have 213,870.00 HRK ($29,588.28 USD) already in your bank account

Police check 

Provide an address in Croatia (apartment, hotel, hostel, etc.)

How to Apply

Fill out the online application form

Once you enter Croatia you will need to register your temporary address at the police station by using this form

You will need to obtain a biometric residence permit in person at the police station

Pay the fees:

350 HRK ($48.39 USD) for granting a temporary stay

70 HRK ($9.68) for administrative fees for the issuance of the biometric residence permit

240 ($33.19) for the biometric residence card 

Find out more details here .

11. Mexico

This incredible destination is a digital nomad hot spot. Some of the best places to base yourself in Mexico as a remote worker are Puerto Vallarta, Playa del Carmen , Mexico City , Oaxaca , and Merida .

Nick and I have spent a lot of time living and travelling all over Mexico. It’s easily one of our favourite countries. 

Up until recently, citizens of many countries would receive a visa-free stay of 180 days in Mexico. 

Lately, however, Mexican immigration has been less inclined to provide the full 180-day stamp and there are many stories of digital nomads arriving at the border expecting to receive the usual 180 days…only to realize they’ve only been granted 2 weeks. 

Rather than risk it at the border, it’s better to apply for the “No Lucrativo” (non-lucrative) visa, which is also called the Temporary Resident visa.

The sunsets and beaches in Playa del Carmen are part of what makes it a great city in Mexico for digital nomads

Top Benefits of Mexico’s Temporary Resident Visa

You can stay in Mexico for up to four years

Freely enter and leave the country during that time

No income tax will be due in Mexico unless your center of vital interests is in Mexico

You can open a bank account

You can purchase a vehicle and register it

Basic Requirements

You have enough money in the bank and/or you earn enough money consistently each month by providing:

Investment receipts or bank statements (with the bank stamp) showing an average monthly balance of $43,000 USD during the past twelve months; or

Documents showing that you have employment with a monthly tax-free income of over $2,500 USD during the past six months

Note: the exact amount seemed to differ depending on which website I checked. Make sure to clarify the amount of income/bank balance you need to provide. 

You will be in Mexico for more than 180 days but less than 4 years

You don’t have a work authorization

You are working and earning money for a company outside Mexico

How to Apply

Fill out the online application form with supporting documents

Apply at a Mexican consulate/embassy outside of the country

Pay the fee (around $40)

This post has some more useful information and here you’ll find information from the consulate.

12. Cyprus

Cyprus is a great option for remote workers and obtaining a visa is easy. This island nation in the eastern Mediterranean Sea offers history, beaches, nightlife, nature, and gastronomy.

I really enjoyed my time in Cyprus learning about the history, eating the great food, and interacting with the friendly locals. There are many cities to choose from when it comes to putting down roots, consider Limassol , Paphos , Nicosia , or Larnaca .

The goal of the DN visa in Cyprus is to “attract digital nomads, who will contribute to the development of the business ecosystem and therefore to the economic development of the country”.

The Cyprus government definitely sees the benefit of having remote workers in the country.

The problem is that Cyprus is granting just 500 visas (initially it was 100, but they increased it to 500). So, apply ASAP if you want to live and work in this unique destination!  See also: Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Cyprus

Top Benefits of the Digital Nomad Visa in Cyprus

You can stay for 1 year in Cyprus, with the option to extend for another 2 years (3 years total)

Income tax won’t be payable in Cyprus, provided you are a tax resident of another country

Right of residence for family members of the digital nomad as well

Basic Qualifications

You’re a national from a non-EU and non-EEA country

Can perform work remotely 

You’re employed at a company registered abroad or are self-employed offering services remotely for clients located abroad

Proof that you have a stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least €3500

Criminal record check

Health insurance 

How to Apply

Within 3 months of arriving in Cyprus, you must submit your application for the digital nomad visa

Pay the fee of €140

Apply for the Cyprus visa here

More Countries with Remote Work Visas

The above 12 countries with digital nomad visas are just the ones that I chose as being the easiest to obtain. However, there are many more options available. 

This list isn’t exhaustive, but here are some other countries that offer visas for remote workers that you may want to consider:

13. Portugal

Portugal’s D7 visa (passive income/retirement visa) is often listed as a great digital nomad visa.

However, it’s mainly for retirees or those who earn regular income from rental properties, investments, or dividends. Your passive income must be from certain sources — not all freelance and online work qualifies, despite what many other articles online might imply.

You’ll have to ask professionals on this one.  We spoke with numerous lawyers and tax accountants in Portugal about the D7 visa to clarify this one. Basically, you’ll need to be sure that your sources of income are adequate for the visa.  Simply earning ad revenue from a website or affiliate income from your blog will not suffice.

The process is a bit convoluted, but if you qualify, once you get the visa/permit you’re set for up to 5 years. There are many other benefits as well, including healthcare, the ability to open a bank account, and the option to apply for permanent residency if you want.

Portugal is easily one of my favourite countries in all of Europe . Having spent a few months travelling around the country, it’s definitely somewhere I’d love to return and discover more. Find out more about the D7 visa here , and read our digital nomad guide to living in Lisbon, here .

14. Cape Verde (Cabo Verde)

While it’s easy to obtain this digital nomad visa, only citizens from Europe, North America, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), and Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO) can apply. Find out more here .

15. The Cayman Islands

The application for the Global Citizen Concierge program in the Cayman Islands is pretty straightforward, and it allows you to stay for up to 2 years.

However, the annual income is higher than others on this list — $100,000 USD, or $150,000 USD if you’re bringing a dependent. Learn more here .

16. Germany

This one is quite difficult to get and has more requirements, such as having clients who are based in Germany. Plus, it takes between 3-4 months to be approved. Find out more .

☞ SEE ALSO: Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Stuttgart, Germany

17. Iceland

This could be a cool place to live for a while! The issue with Iceland’s digital nomad visa is that it’s only valid for 6 months, plus the proof of income is higher than other destinations in this article (1,000,000 ISK / $7,014 USD) per month. Learn more here .

18. Estonia

This Baltic destination was the first country to offer a visa for digital nomads. And actually, it’s had an e-residency program for foreigners ever since 2014. Estonia has been attracting remote workers for many years. 

You’ll need to submit your application to the nearest Estonian Embassy, which will take around 30 days to process. Note that after 183 days in Estonia, you are considered a tax resident there. Find out more here .

19. Antigua & Barbuda

More lively, Antigua & Barbuda is another island in the Caribbean offering digital nomads a sandy slice of paradise.

Cost: $1,500 per person 

Length: 1 year

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $4,166

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the duration

Other Requirements: 

Your passport must be valid for the duration of your visa

You must be employed by or own a company outside of Antigua and Barbuda or be self-employed

You must be over the legal age of 18

Your insurance must cover incidents in Antigua and Barbuda

You must be able to show a clean criminal record

20. Belize

Belize is a Latin American country offering adventure, outdoor activities, and a laid-back lifestyle to digital nomads – and their national language is English, making it super easy to chat with locals!

Cost: $250

Length: 180 days

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $6,150 ($75,000 per year)

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the duration

Other Requirements:

Y ou must have a passport valid for at least six months from the time of application

You must get a criminal background check from your local police department

You need to show proof of accommodation where you will live while in Belize

You must submit a contract from your employer stating some details about your work and the employer or company must be based outside of Belize

You must obtain an insurance certificate that shows a minimum coverage of USD 50,000

Apply for the Belize digital nomad visa .

21. Brazil

Brazil is a vibrant South American country with a thriving digital nomad community that offers an attractive climate, fun nightlife, and lots to see and do.

Brazil’s visa is called the Temporary Visa VITEM XIV

Cost: $150

Length: 1 year but can be extended up to 2 years

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $1,500 

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the first 183 days but you must file and pay taxes if you stay in Brazil longer than this

Other Requirements:

Your passport must have two blank pages for the visa stamp

You may be requested to submit your criminal records from the police authorities in your country of residence

You should have a health insurance policy, which covers Brazil and you should be able to work remotely or prove that you are not working for a Brazilian employer 

Find more information here .

22. Colombia

Colombia offers digital nomads a varied landscape to explore, from Caribbean beaches to jungle terrains, and natural parks and deserts, all whilst having an affordable living cost.

Cost: $52

Length: 2 years

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $684

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the first 183 days but you must file and pay taxes if you stay in Colombia longer than this

Other Requirements:

Your passport must be valid for at least six months when applying for the visa, you must work as an employee, freelancer, or own a business outside of Colombia

You must have health insurance coverage for accidents, maternity, sickness, death, repatriation, and disabilities

You must submit a letter written either in English or Spanish from your employer proving you work remotely 

Learn about the Colombia visa here , and apply here .

23. Costa Rica

Another Latin American country offering diverse landscapes, Costa Rica offers digital nomads ‘Pura Vida’ amongst its vast variety of flora and fauna.

Cost: $250

Length: 2 years

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $3,000

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the duration  

Other Requirements: 

Your passport must be valid for at least six months

You can obtain a police clearance certificate from the police or court authorities in your country

You are required to register with the consular office in your country

Learn more and apply here .

24. Curaçao

Curaçao offers digital nomads white sandy beaches, coral reefs, and fascinating marine life, which can be explored through scuba diving and snorkeling in its clear waters.

Cost: $294

Length: 6 months but can be extended to 1 year

Monthly Earning Stipulations: You must earn enough to support yourself in Curaçao

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the duration

Other Requirements: 

Your passport must be valid for the duration of your stay

You must earn a livable income working for a company, own a business, or have freelance clients located outside of Curaçao

You must have health insurance coverage in Curaçao

You cannot have marks on your criminal record

You must have accommodations booked or a residential lease on the island

Click here to learn more and apply .

25. Czech Republic

Czech Republic is one of Europe’s safest countries to live in so digital nomads can enjoy its historic buildings, famous Charles Bridge, and cheap beer with reassurance.  

Cost: Free

Length: 1 year

Monthly Earning Stipulations: At least $5,772 in your bank account

Tax Requirements: You will have to pay tax when living as a digital nomad in the Czech Republic, which is $72 per month

Other Requirements:

You must be older than 18 years

Your job must be flexible so you can work anywhere in the world

You must have an online resume

You must have a business plan if you own a business, you must have a website and you must have a business card

Learn more and apply here .

26. Dominica

Dominica is a Caribbean island mostly untouched by mankind, thus offering digital nomads a very laid-back and natural experience amongst its unspoiled landscapes.

Cost: $100

Length: Up to 18 months

Monthly Earning Stipulations: $4,166 ($50,000 per year)

Tax Requirements: You will not have to pay income tax for the duration

Other Requirements:

Your passport must be valid at the time of applying

You must meet the age requirement of 18 years of age

You must be employed by or own a company outside of Dominica or be a freelancer with clients outside of the country

You must have health insurance coverage in Dominica

You must have a clean criminal record in your country of residence

Find out more here .

27. Ecuador

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