Travelers Guide: Landscape Photography Tips

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Going on vacation and want to take perfect landscape photos? Read on to find out the best tips for taking better landscape photographs. 
Like most types of photography, getting the perfect landscape photo can be tricky and time-consuming. You need the light, weather, angle, lens, and everything in between to be right to get the best shot. We are here to help with some tips for taking better landscape photographs so you can capture memories of a lifetime when you travel.
Tips for Taking Better Landscape Photographs
You can drastically improve your landscape photography game by following a few tips . Along with great photos, you’ll also cut down on wasted time and sorting through dozens of bad photos hoping for one great one.
With a few simple tips, you’ll be on your way to taking better landscape photos. Photo by eleonora on Unsplash
Scout Your Location
Whether you use a top-of-the-range DSLR or a digital camera , your photos won’t be great unless you have the best location. Considering the location is the most important part of the photo. It is important to do your due diligence and scout a location.
This scouting trip also allows you to analyze the weather, the wind, cloud cover, etc. These factors can influence the type of photo you take and how it will turn out.
Visit the Spot at Different Times
Don’t visit your location once or twice; visit it multiple times. Knowing what it looks like at sunrise, sunset, or when the sun is at its strongest can change the type of photo you take and when you take it. Light is important in photography; therefore, pay attention to how it behaves.
A location can look different depending on the time of day you photograph it. Photo by Mark Harpur on Unsplash
Don’t be Lazy
One of the best tips you can learn from successful photographers is not to be lazy. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is hopping out of your car, taking six steps, and thinking this is the perfect spot for a photo.
Trek over a hill or two, climb a small mountain, or walk a long path. Don’t be a photographer who settles; try to find an angle or spot no one has photographed.
Always Have a Tripod
A very appealing aspect of landscape photography is a horizontal horizon line. It is an attractive photo feature and can cut the photo in half and add a unique layer, such as using a lake as a reflection.
Always have a tripod to get the best photos. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
A tripod is a surefire way to ensure your camera stays steady and at the right angle, even when you or the terrain aren’t flat-footed or flat at all.
Increase the Field of Depth
Don’t be content with capturing your initial landscape; you can drastically improve the eye appeal of your photo by including a detailed background too. Including a background adds tremendous depth to a photo and many details you couldn’t capture otherwise.
This is also part of the angle point that will be discussed next; when taking a photo, a higher angle may capture more of the forest or field you photograph, while a lower angle will include stars or a stormy sky. Either way, you have now created an interesting backdrop for your photo.
Experiment with Angles
Never forget to take several photos from different angles. Eye level is not always the best angle to take photos; sometimes, taking a photo from a higher point will get more detail and scale, while taking a photo from a lower point gives you a brand-new perspective.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles when you photograph landscapes. Photo by Rodrigo Soares on Unsplash
Capture the Small Details
Don’t get so caught up in taking a landscape photo that you miss out on small details that could add to the final image. Whether it be a lone tree, a bird, or maybe a unique flower, don’t try and exclude it from your photo.
Think of your final photo as a painting; the small details are the ones that make the photo unique and make it stand out from the rest.
Sometimes small details help make the photo. Photo by Ken Cheung on Unsplash
Capture Movement
Another detail to not miss out on is movement. Flowing rivers, trees blowing in the wind, or grass swaying are all details that can bring life into an otherwise still image. While you must be careful with how you take the photo so it doesn’t look messy, movement is good.
Don’t forget to capture movement in your photos. Photo by Hendrik Cornelissen on Unsplash
Don’t Wait for the “Perfect” Photo
Another mistake that many new photographers make is that they wait for the perfect conditions and perfect photos. There is a reason why pros travel with multiple batteries and memory cards; they are taking hundreds, sometimes thousands, of photos of their subject.
Taking many photos will also allow you to capture unique events, such as a bird flying or landing in a tree. These aren’t events you can plan for; they are the ones you can accidentally capture if you take many photos.
Experiment with Filters and Settings
Once you have a handle on using your camera, you can start experimenting with different filters and settings. Filters, in particular, are a brilliant way to bring sharpness and detail to an image that wouldn’t otherwise have it.
Following a few simple tips can give you amazing landscape photos. Photo by Djan MacAlister on Unsplash
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Be Creative to Take Better Landscape Photos
Don’t be scared to get creative with how you take your photos. Many people believe landscape photography is only about the landscape, and while it is the most important part, it shouldn’t be your only focus. Try and use light, reflections, or whatever else it may be in a unique way or in a way you wouldn’t associate with landscapes.
With these few simple tips, you will be on your way to taking better landscape photos and capturing memories you can proudly display. When you’re ready to capture those photos, let Wander With Wonder guide you to some of the world’s best destinations .
Travelers Guide: Landscape Photography Tips
The post Travelers Guide: Landscape Photography Tips appeared first on Wander With Wonder .

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